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Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Instantly Elevate Your Online Visibility with a Superior Superior PPC Strategy

Make It Easy For Your Clients To Find You Wherever You’re

PPC advertising allows you to put your business in front of a larger audience. And the best part is that you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

Google Ads

Google Ads allow you to show up in the paid listings at the top of Google search results pages when customers search keywords related to your services.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads allows you to run advertising campaigns to target individuals of any specific demographic.

Benefits of Veterinary PPC Campaigns

Precise Audience Targeting

Reach your ideal customers with tailored campaigns

Attract Engaged Customers

Choose keywords or search terms that align with your business or services for a high conversion rate.

Boost Your Search Engine Rankings

Shoot past your competitors and appear first on search results. Be the first practice a pet owner sees 

Reduce Advertising Costs & Maximize ROI

Only pay for interested leads by paying only for clicks.

Focused on Metrics That Matter

Tracking and measuring results is super important when it comes to online advertising. At QSD, our enthusiastic and skilled PPC team keeps an eye on your  key performance indicators, or KPIs, to help us see how well your ad campaign is doing. KPIs are stuff like: How much money did we put into the campaign? What was the average cost every time someone clicked your ad? How many people took action after seeing your ad?

By keeping track of these KPIs, we can make your ad campaign better if we need to. This helps make sure our paid search and retargeting campaigns help our clients and get them closer to their business goals. No matter if it’s Facebook Ads or Google Ads, we do split testing, tweaks, and fine-tuning to help you get the most out of the money you put in.


What to Expect From Us

Keyword Research

Our PPC experts perform in-depth keyword research in your area and also set negative keywords, so you’re only serving ads to the right customers.

Landing Page Design

We provide you with custom-branded and service-specific landing pages to ensure that every single click has the greatest chance of conversion.

Data-Driven Ads

Split testing ad copy and landing pages ensure the best-performing ads, to get our clients’ high-quality leads at a lower cost per click.

Competitor Analysis

We complete an in-depth market analysis of your search area to get you higher ad positioning at a lower cost per click.  

Call Tracking & Monitoring

Call tracking, as well as constant monitoring, testing, and optimizing each campaign ensures you get the best return on investment.

Customized Approach

Pay-per-click campaigns give you full control to scale your lead generation and your marketing budget as you wish.

What Our Clients Say

Ready to grow your veterinary practice and keep it thriving?

Whether you’re looking to grow your newly established business, or you want to scale your business, QS Digital has the superior strategies, and the expert team to implement those strategies

Get in touch with us today to see how we can help.